Permissions & Desk Copies

All permission requests should be emailed to our London office, even if you are based in the USA or Europe, or elsewhere in the world. Please email or write to us with your permission request and we will be pleased to respond with conditions or fees.

We use the Society of Authors standard rates. These are currently:

Prose: £170.00 per 1,000 words. For a chapter, or complete extract in itself, an additional fee may be charged at half the rate applicable for 1,000 words. Rates are reduced for quotations in works with print runs of less than 1,500 copies.

Poetry: £ 140.00 for the first ten lines, £2.70 for the next twenty lines, and £1.75 per line thereafter. Permission fees on reprint are charged at 50% of the original per edition. If the edition is new or under a new imprint, the original rate applies on reprint. Extracts used purely for review or criticism are considered fair dealing if the extracts are under 100 words. Any commercial use of material will be chargeable at the above prose and poetry rates.

We would like our edition to be acknowledged as the source of the material.

For academic desk copies in the UK, our policy is to allow one copy per course, but only in response to a request on the headed notepaper of the college or university, and signed by the course tutor.

In the UK, please email Janet Joyce of Equinox Publishing Ltd at

For desk copies in the USA, please contact our distributors, Consortium Book Sales, at their academic web site

For permission to make course packs using photocopies of our texts, please contact the Copyright Clearance Center direct in the USA. We use their current academic rate. We use the Copyright Licensing Agency in the UK for course packs and all other photocopying requests. Web links are below: